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IXL Learning Program – Free access to lessons, assessments, games, & skills checklists

IXL Learning, the world’s most popular online learning site for K-12 is now available to you & your Garfield Online student(s) at no cost. This award-winning platform is a highly effective way to monitor your student’s growth. 

Why Use IXL? 
IXL provides a detailed check-list of all concepts your child needs to learn for their grade level, along with lessons and games for each concept. All skills listed are aligned with the Utah state curriculum standards.

Quarterly evidence of grade-level growth is a requirement for all Garfield Online students. This program will help you personally monitor the required skills needed for proper growth.

Another benefit is that IXL takes student privacy seriously. Click here to read their full privacy policy and terms of service.

Follow the steps below to create an account today!

Step 1.
Click here to log in. (TIP: Bookmark this page so you can easily return.)

Step 2.
Enter your student’s username & password as follows:
Username – Your student’s first & last name @garfieldonline (example: Jane Doe’s username is janedoe@garfieldonline)
Password – 12345
(TIP: If you have multiple students, they will each need their own account.)

Step 3.
When your student is ready, select Assessment to begin their real-time diagnostic.

Visit the website or contact your student’s teacher to learn more about this program.

We appreciate all you do to support your student & are grateful for your cooperation in submitting quarterly evidence of their wonderful growth.